Our very own Livescribe 3 Black Edition has been honored by the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP).
They particularly liked the “premium, hinged molded fiber tray produced from a blend of bagasse/bamboo”. Who knew?
We’re delighted by this recognition focused on one of the many details that go into making a product that not only is a delight to buy and use but one that respects this lovely planet that we all share.
For those who are curious, bagasse is basically a pulp created from the stalks of plants like sorghum and sugarcane that would otherwise just be waste. It is reported to have the least environmental impact within this class of packaging materials and it has many great properties for this use. It’s strong, easy to shape, cost-effective, and compostable.
Thank you to our friends at Veritiv for helping us make this packaging a reality!